Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fibroids - Facts and Discovering Natural Treatment Options That Work to Remove Fibroids completely!
Fibroids - Facts and Discovering Natural Treatment Options That Work to Remove Fibroids completely!
If you experience small fibroids or other fibroid growths that do not cause any kind of symptoms, you normally will not require any kind of treatment. Other problematic fibroid growths cause heavy menstrual cycles or menstrual cycles that last more than your normal menstrual cycle. The heavy flow of blood during the menstrual cycle can cause debilitation or anemia. You may also experience unusual pain during the menstrual cycle.

Another one of the fibroid symptoms is that the growths can place a strain on the nerves causing "compression syndrome" which normally influences the bladder and bowels causing raised pressure on these organs resulting in frequent urination, constipation, bloating, or a protruding belly. You may also see that you have tough stools. You may also experience some pressure in your legs.

Various other fibroids symptoms may be seen such as pain or pressure in the pelvic region, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, night sweats, fertility problems, etc

. Fibroids Treatment

Fibroids especially those that do not produce any kind of symptoms may be discovered during a normal pelvic exam. An ultrasound may also be used to find the growths.

The first step that standard fibroids treatment suggests is a watch and wait method. The doctor will keep an eye on the growths using an ultrasound to figure out whether they are raising in size or if they show any kind of cancerous properties. If they do not change in size or decline in size, no further treatment is normally suggested.

Surgery is also another option for fibroids treatment. A hysterectomy is the most well known and this must only be suggested when all other treatment methods fail and if you have really severe growths that are creating you problems. With a hysterectomy, the uterus is gotten rid of considering that the standard wisdom is that without an uterus, no fibroids can develop. With a hysterectomy besides the expense, a woman will no longer be able to have children. Another of the negative effects of a hysterectomy is that it can cause early menopause.

Other surgical procedures such as a myomectomy may be done that depend on the size and type of fibroids. A myomectomy only gets rid of the fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. This is normally done on less problematic growths and the fibroids may return in the future.

If you suffer from small fibroids or other fibroid growths that do not lead to any kind of symptoms, you normally will not require any kind of treatment. Other problematic fibroid growths lead to heavy menstrual cycles or menstrual cycles that last more than your normal menstrual cycle. Another one of the fibroid symptoms is that the growths can place a strain on the nerves leading to "compression syndrome" which normally influences the bladder and bowels leading to raised pressure on these organs resulting in frequent urination, constipation, bloating, or a protruding belly. Surgery is also another option for fibroids treatment.

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