Saturday, October 26, 2013

A New Moms Guide to Infant Pain Relief
A New Moms Guide to Infant Pain Relief
Preparing for your first baby can be overwhelming. Where do you start? One area that can be overlooked is your medicine cabinet. What do you really need to have on hand in case your baby appears not to be feeling well. It is better to have these things on hand ahead of time so you won't be running to the store in the middle of the night. Make sure you check expiration dates if you are buying these items months in advance. These items also make great baby shower gifts!

Infant Tylenol. It is scary when your baby gets a fever. Make sure you check with your pediatrician for recommended dosages before giving to your baby. Make sure you get the infant drops, because there is also Tylenol for toddlers. My pediatrician told me not to give Tylenol to a baby less than a month old. If your newborn has a temperature of more than 100 degrees, take him or her immediately to the doctor or hospital so they can figure out what is wrong with your baby. They do not want you to try to get the fever down first.

Infant Thermometers. Buy a thermometer that can be used to take your baby's temperature under his or her arm. Don't take your baby's temperature by mouth or forehead.

Infant Gas relief Gas relief drops are optional, but nice to have on hand. If you are breastfeeding, you may not need these because your baby is unlikely to get a tummy ache unless you eat something that doesn't agree with them. My twins were breast fed, but I supplemented with formula. This caused more tummy problems for them and I frequently used gas drops with them until they were eating solid food. These drops are life savers and work quickly and painlessly.

Teething Tablets. It's always good to have teething tablets or teething gel on hand. You might want to have both so you can see which one your baby responds to best. My doctor told me that my baby wouldn't start teething until 6 months or later, but my 2 month old started having terrible teething pain. Teething tablets are great when placed under their tongue and they quickly dissolve to help relieve teething pain.

Bulb Syringe. Although infant cold medicine is available in the market, my doctor didn't recommend using them for children under one year of age. He recommended using a bulb syringe, an eye dropper, and saline to remove the congestion from a baby's nose. Ask your pediatrician to show you how to properly use this technique. It works wonders, and with no medication.

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